Our special resource base known as Moonbeam, opened in January 2021.  It is part of the local SEND offer made by Norfolk County Council for children on the Autism spectrum.  By clicking on the link you will be able to read further details of what the SEND local offer includes.

Admission Criteria and visiting us

Your child’s current school should be the initial point of contact with ourselves at RFS should you wish your child to be considered for a place in Moonbeam.  If your child is not in school, then your Education Health Care Plan Co-ordinator will make us aware of your interest in a place.

Your child’s home school will be aware of the key information required for completing an online referral for a place in a SRB. This information is likely to include their Education Health Care plan, evidence of their current attainment and progress along with other specialist’s reports such as an Educational Psychologist’s report.

Norfolk Local Education Authority manages all admissions on our behalf to the SRB and can be contacted at:

Tel: 0344 800 8020

Email: [email protected]

Website :

Regular Panel meetings will be attended by all relevant SRB staff across the county, chaired by a local authority officer. Each child referred to the panel for placement will be discussed in detail. The decisions from these meetings will be communicated by the SRB placements team once finalised with yourselves, and to both your child’s home school and their proposed SRB.


A warm welcome awaits you and your child as we are always happy to show prospective parents and carers around our school. Visits help to get a feel of what our school is like – please call us to book a mutually convenient appointment on 01842 752239, where you will be directed to the SRB.  Alternatively, we can be emailed at: [email protected].

Should you wish to visit out of school hours we will be more than happy to try and accommodate such requests, as we realise that this may be easier for your child to make an initial visit when the school is closed to other pupils and possibly a little quieter.

This new SRB is staffed by a Lead Teacher, who is supported by a Higher Level Teaching Assistant and further support staff.  All of the staff champion inclusivity in education. Every member of staff at Redcastle Family School is committed to providing your child with the best possible education and support. Those working in Moonbeam are passionate about an inclusive education.  Please read our Welcome pack where you will gather further information (see below). If you have any difficulty in accessing the link or wish to speak to us, please call Redcastle Family School on 01842 752239. Thank you for taking the time to read the initial information provided.  

Files to Download

St Martins Way,
Norfolk IP24 3PU
Mr James Julian, Headteacher
Mrs Emma Denty, Deputy Head/SENDCO/Safeguarding