
Please find a link here to free, downloadable books: Lenny and Lily: children's stories for recovery — Beyond Words ( by Prof Barry Carpenter, Ali Erskine and Jenny Hawkes. There is supporting text at the end of each story which gives parents guidance on how to use the stories with children.

Please click on the link below, for information that you may find of interest.

Fit for Fun - Norfolk Music Hub

Please click on the link below, for information from the Norwich Community Sports Foundation.

Tackle Learning

Please click on the link below, for information that you may find of interest.

Family First Magazine

Please click on the link below, for information regarding online safety.

Online Safety Videos

Files to Download

St Martins Way,
Norfolk IP24 3PU
Mr James Julian, Headteacher
Mrs Emma Denty, Deputy Head/SENDCO/Safeguarding