Year 6 2023 - 2024

Mrs Heffernan

Year 6 Teacher

Mrs Arnold

Year 6 Teacher

This week the Year 6 children have been very busy. We have performed "Robin Hood" twice to parents and once to the whole school. They worked extremely hard to learn their lines, song lyrics and stage directions. Thank you to all the adults at home that helped with costumes, props and learning lines.

We have also been on a trip to Wells as an end of year 6 treat. The children had great fun digging holes, collecting shells, making sandcastles and playing games. The weather was kind to us and we only had a short shower after lunch. Behaviour was excellent and all the children really enjoyed themselves.


A few highlights from this week are in the image gallery for you to see.



Welcome back to Year 6's final half term at Redcastle Family School!

We have got a lot going on this half term so I will give you some key diary dates. These will also be sent out via email and a paper copy. 

Every Friday - Swimming. Please come to school in PE kit and bring swimwear, towel and swimming hat in a small bag.

Tuesday 18th June - Cricket day (letters and permissions to follow)

Monday 1st July - Year 6 performance @ 4.30pm (tickets only, more information to follow)

Tuesday 2nd July - End of year trip (letters and permissions to follow)

Wednesday 3rd July - Year 6 performance @ 9am

Monday 8th - Friday 12th July - Transition week at Thetford Academy (those not attending should still come to school and they will be given roles across school)

Monday 15th July - All children back in school

Tuesday 16th July - Sports event for parents 1.45-2.30pm

Wednesday 17th July - Sports event (children only)

Friday 19th July - Leavers assembly @ 9am. End of term (school finishes at normal time).



I would like to draw your attention to our Parent Assembly which will be on Wednesday 20th March at 10am. We will be sharing some of our recent achievements. It would be lovely to see you all there.


Thursday 28th March it is our Spring Fling. All parents welcome from 9am. Children will be allowed to leave with a parent by 12pm. Again it would be lovely to have as many of you there as possible. Children will not be allowed to leave early without a parent present.


Aylmerton Day One

What an amazing first day. After arriving at 11.30, the children made their way to their rooms to unpack and make their beds. After a little bit of team work the beds were made and we headed out for lunch and a briefing from our instructors. After lunch we split into three groups to complete some teamwork activities. This included bomb disposal, an agility course and a giant spiders web. Following on from this, the groups then had to test their senses with a game of owl and mouse, an un-nature trail and a blindfolded trail. This encouraged the children to use their other senses to guide them. After a well earned dinner we then went for a twilight safari around the Felbrigg Estate then back for hot chocolate and lights out. Fingers crossed for a good night sleep tonight ready for an action packed day tomorrow.


Aylmerton Day Two

Another fantastic day! The morning started with the children organising their shower routines! A full, three course breakfast followed before a coach trip to West Runton. When we were here, the children got to explore the rock pools, learn about longshore drift and hunt for fossils! We then headed back to the centre to have lunch. In the afternoon, the children transformed into pirates. They then took part in three different activities: creating fire, climbing the rigging (high ropes) and retrieving the treasure from the boat using the zip-line. The children then collected their life-jackets ready for the boat trip tomorrow. The children all enjoyed spaghetti bolognaise for dinner before listening to a story teller, who the children were engrossed by. The children were all exhausted from an extremely busy day and the sea air! All set for another action-packed day!


Aylmerton Day Three

Today has been super busy. We were off site all day. We took a trip to Horsey to see the hundreds of seals. The children did their best impression. To add to the WW2 knowledge the children got to see a pillbox that would have been used to ward off the enemy. After that, we took a short trip to Sea Palling for lunch and a play in the sand. It was then back on the coach to Wroxham where we all got to drive a boat along the broads. All the children took to the wheel and showed excellent driving skills (minus a couple of mini crashes!)We then headed back to the centre for a fish and chip dinner followed by apple crumble. It was then time to spend their money in the tuck shop and round off the day with a film. The children are enjoying an early night ready for another full on day tomorrow.


Aylmerton Day Four

Our last full day was wet, windy and cold but the children kept their spirits high and embraced the activities. We started the day by making soup and making the fire to cook it. While that was cooking we ventured into the woods to create dens. The children had the criteria of making it waterproof, big enough for them all to sit in and they had to remain quiet. Working in teams, they all created various structures. It was then time for the teachers to get their revenge and test how waterproof they were! We then made our way back to the centre for our soup and lunch. It was then time to split into three teams again and head off in search of monsters. They endured bitter wind, sleet and rain but after 3.5 miles they all returned home victorious and still smiling. We rounded off the day with a trip to the reef in Sheringham for a fun swimming session.


Spring Term 2024

Happy new year to you all and welcome back. This term our topic is Crime and Punishment and we will be studying the book Holes by Louis Sachar. So far the children are really engaged in their learning and taking on board lots of new vocabulary.

On Monday 29th January, we are holding our next Stay and Learn Session from 11.15 until 12.15. This will have a focus on the English work that we are doing. It would be lovely to see as many of you as possible.

On Tuesday 30th January, the children will have their next cooking session so please remember to send in a pot so that they can bring their cooking home.

Finally, on 5th February we will be making our way to Aylmerton for the week. This promises to be a fantastic experience for all children. However, if you have any questions or concerns then please do get in touch and a member of staff will be more than willing to help.


Timings for our day

The year 6 day begins at 8.35 so it is important that the children are lined up ready for an adult to collect them every morning.

On a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday the school day finishes at 4.30.

On a Thursday and Friday the school day finishes at 3.20.

If you have any concerns with this please do let a member of staff know and we can help to resolve it.


Last week, year 6 were sent home with a folder full of homework books. Each week they will be set one piece each of grammar, reading and maths. They have from Monday to Monday to complete this. If they are finding it tricky or just need to ask a question then it is important that they do that before Monday so that an adult can assist them. If completing the work at home is not working then we are happy for them to complete it at lunchtime with one of us.

Extended day

This half term has seen the beginning of the year 6 extended day. The children have been immersed into Harry Potter, science experiments and historical drama. It has been lovely to see the children embrace this extra challenge while also deepening their learning through practical activities. Thank you all for the support.



Welcome Back!!!

Welcome back to the new school year. It is lovely to see the children in their navy jumpers and looking very smart. They have settled well into year 6. This year the children are lucky enough to have two teachers. Mrs Heffernan will be in every day and Mrs Arnold will be in Monday to Wednesday.

A few reminders:

  • Our school day starts at 8.35
  • Our PE day is Monday
  • Times table wheels to be completed every day
  • Reading should be completed and signed by an adult at least 4 times a week.
  • Reading books will be changed every Thursday.

We have a lot of exciting things happening this year including Aylmerton, if you have any questions or queries please feel free to catch myself or Mrs Arnold before or after school.

Mrs Heffernan

Just one person (c maj backing track)_C_major__bpm_91.mp3 LOWEST Any Dream Will Do Karaoke (320 kbps)_A♭_major__bpm_126.mp3

Year 6: News items

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Year 6: Blog items

Drama with Amber, by Mrs Heffernan

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Year 6: Calendar items

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St Martins Way,
Norfolk IP24 3PU
Mr James Julian, Headteacher
Mrs Emma Denty, Deputy Head/SENDCO/Safeguarding