Year 4 2023 - 2024

Mrs Chrystal

Year 4 Teacher


Year 4

Class Teacher - Mrs Chrystal

Teacher Assistant - Mrs Clouston 

My Message to Year 4 at the end of the Summer Term July 2024                 

Dear Children

This year has been brilliant!  I can’t believe it has come to an end.  I thought you would like to know that you all have amazed me in SO MANY different ways.

I have talked to all of you daily.  Some of you may have tried to avoid conversation with me at times.  Some of you have shared good times with me and made me giggle.  Some of you have shared your thoughts and emotions into your writing.  Whereas others of you have worked to overcome fears so you can begin to reach your dreams and goals.

All of you have made me proud over the last two years in some way.  A few of you have frustrated me, but only because I want you to see in yourself the potential that I see in you.

Many of you have discovered yourselves this year, with some becoming leaders.  Some of you have excelled at helping and caring for others. Some of you are still finding your unique place in the world, and that is okay, too.

All of you made progress in some way.  And that is what matters most.

Before you finish for the summer, write yourself a note to read on the first day of school next year.  Remind yourself how you feel RIGHT NOW.  Remind yourself how well you did this year and think of what you would like to improve.  Remind yourself that Mrs. Chrystal and Mrs Clouston believes in you.  Read your note in the last week of August, and post it where you can see it every day.  As next year may come with the same distractions and temptations, so it will be important to follow your own advice.

Most importantly, believe in yourself.  I will miss working with you next year, but I know that you must move on, in order to accomplish the great things that your life has in store.  BE MIGHTY, BE GREAT, AIM HIGH and DO AMAZING THINGS.




Thank you for the memories I have made, and the opportunity to teach you. 

Have a great Summer holiday, see you in school in September.

Mrs A Chrystal


Summer webpage.JPG



Important Information

PE Day

PE will continue to be every Thursday -  Children should come to school in the correct coloured PE kit. 

To keep your children safe from harm, please remember no jewellery should be worn during PE. 


Daily Home Tasks

We ask all children to read their reading book for at least 10 mins a day, (parents are asked to sign their green reading

folders and record the pages read).

This term, we will be continueing to prepare Year 4 for their multiplication check which will take place in June so it is important for

your child to complete two multiplication table wheels every day, these can be found in their in their blue maths folder, 

We aim to check these folders at least 3 times a week.

Thank You for your support.

Weekly Homework

Children should aim to complete one piece of homework from the Summer Homework grid, each week.

Homework books should be handed in by Wednesday of each week so we can share children's work on each Thursday and Friday.

Thank you.

If you have any questions or concerns and need to have a chat, please do not hesitate to call the school office to make an appointment. 


Mrs Chrystal & Mrs Clouston


Year 4 Summer Time Overview

Summer Overview Year 4 Web.JPG

Summer Homework

Year 4 Summer Homework Grid.JPG



















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St Martins Way,
Norfolk IP24 3PU
Mr James Julian, Headteacher
Mrs Emma Denty, Deputy Head/SENDCO/Safeguarding